Disaster Management Protocol

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Disaster Management Protocol

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Business

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Disaster Management Protocol
This particular hospital is a big hospital with a capacity of over 300 in-patients. As such, it requires a well calculated and standby disaster management system. In case of a fire breakout, there are a couple of essential procedures which have to be followed. The first thing to know is that this hospital operates on a two-alarm system. Alarm number one is used to notify the staff and people within the hospital environs that there is the danger (World Health Organization 9). Alarm number two is used the general public that there is a disaster at the hospital and therefore they should no come anywhere near.
It is notable that immediately the first alarm is set, some administrative staff have to be contacted. These include the medical office administrator, medical secretary, the human resource manager, nurse manager and director of nurses (World Health Organization 10). The reason as to why these personalities have to be contacted first is because they oversee other subordinate staff and therefore they stand a better chance to give directions on what their subordinates should do as far as the fire outbreak is concerned. In the hospital, the central point of communication boardroom. The hospital has a huge hall where all meetings are held. As such, this hall can accommodate many people at the same time and help communicate to them on what to …

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