Developing ideas

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Developing ideas

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Developing Ideas
Development of the ideas for writing is a complicated process requiring the practice of creativity and constant improvement of knowledge. The written form of the idea presentation has become increasingly significant in the modern world because of the opportunity to publish the text in the online resources. Therefore, there is a need to pay particular attention to the development of the ideas and their adequate presentation in the written form. There are few common misconceptions about writing that prevent people from personal growth. Part of the society thinks that text always has to be original, yet there is a requirement to consider that people reuse everything including the information (Downs & Wardle 553). Others believe that professional writers have a vision of what they describe, yet it is not true because there is no limitation for perfection and everyone makes mistakes. Finally, writing is not complicated if people devote their time and effort to the activity.
Few stages outline the process of writing. In the beginning, people do pre-writing through the creation of notes. Then there is a need to create the article following prepared information. Revision of the text is necessary to find the mistakes and fix them during the editing phase. After the passage is clean, it receives publishing and presentation. Development of the idea into the paragraph requires the emphasize of the logical flow of the ideas and b…

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