Critical Analysis of an Essay

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Critical Analysis of an Essay

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550

Critical Analysis of an Essay
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Critical Analysis of an Essay
As an environmentalist, I find the article “Foundations for a Green Future” really interesting and pithy. Penned by Qatar Foundation, the article looks into the state of the global society and fronts a claim that rapid economic expansions, population growth and overconsumption of the Earth’s natural resources have threatened not only the sustainability of humanity but also the natural environment. Notwithstanding, the article reassures its readers in the last line of the second paragraph that there is hope for affordable, viable solutions to global environment’s sustainability challenges. Up to here, I feel this article has powerful introduction moving from a general viewpoint to more specific claim, which is a critical grip for the audience.
Contextually, the essay is based in Qatar, and it highlights the pertinent contribution of Qatar Foundation (QF) towards the country’s environmental development vision 2030 by making sustainability part and parcel of the daily lives of residents. QF’s underlying mission is to unlock human potential and promote ingenuity and novelty. In this respect, the article largely focuses on programs that QF has adopted to impel sustainability in Qatar’s populations. A few of these programs include educating the communities about the significance of sustainability, encouraging the creation of a green urban environment, engaging stu…

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