Craig/Harris Debate

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Craig/Harris Debate

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Philosophy

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Craig versus Harris Debate
Kant’s views on morality are based on a deontological perspective that asserts that an action is considered morally adequate if the intentions are good rather than the implications. This implies that in some situations, an action may be viewed as moral despite having bad consequences (Petrescu 200). Through the concept of freewill, the argument by Craig has more moral standing with Kant’s views on morality and thus correct.
Morality as per Kant’s views, concerns fulfilling one’s duty. The duty, in this case, is guided by one’s reasoning rather than prescribed rules. The associated view is that reason does not focus on acquiring pleasure but rather in exhibiting goodwill (Petrescu 200). Kant associates reasoning with the categorical imperative that involves acting as per the maxim principle where one would want an immoral action to be viewed as a universal law i.e. I would not cheat in an exam because I would not desire cheating to be considered as a universal law. The idea that actions are caused by intention puts into view the problem that, if every action or event in the universe is influenced by another factor, then the actions that individuals perform are caused by preceding causes. In other words, intentions occur as a result of free will. Therefore. For morality to exist, free will should also exist. The idea is that it is illogical to establish morals in an environment that lacks fre…

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