Conflict management strategies

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Conflict management strategies

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Communication

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Conflict Management Strategies
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When conflicts arise the best way to approach the situation is to negotiate to resolve the disagreement. There are five primary strategies that parties should employee to solve a conflict. The two parties should find a peaceful solution to help them settle the dispute among them. Ryan, therefore, should use the following five strategies to help him solve the conflict between him and Jason.
The strategy is a win-win solution. It rings complete satisfactory among g the two parties. Ryan and Jason should thus sit down and discuss the practical solution to their conflict. Each person should get a chance and express his concern and try to understand one another to find a satisfying resolution. They will, therefore, agree the most appropriate temperature to set the thermostat.
Compromising strategy allows both sides to give an element of their position to come up with an acceptable solution. It provides an answer that is partially satisfactory to parties involved. The solution provided neither favors the two parties. For example, Ryan and Jason can agree on the appropriate temperature like 68 without endorsing their preferential.
The avoiders hope that the issue resolves itself by ignoring. For instance, Ryan and Jason can discuss the problem on the appropriate temperature and decide to leave the matter.
It entails giving the opposing party what…

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