compare the culture of the US to the culture of a city in a foreign country

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compare the culture of the US to the culture of a city in a foreign country

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Human Resources

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

The Culture of the US to the Culture of Barcelona

The Culture of the US to the Culture of Barcelona
Human resource management considers the perspective of every individual’s culture while hiring and managing a staff. Comparing the culture between two countries enhances the ability if human resource management to understand their staff. Understanding the culture of staff determines the compatibility of the staff with the existing organizational culture that impacts their performance. The paper compares three cultural differences between the US and Barcelona that’s essential in recruiting staff and organizational management.
The common people in the US often smile at one another while walking in the streets. On the other hand, in Barcelona, Spain it’s just the opposite since the Spaniards are friendly people, but while walking, you don’t expect to see people smiling at one another. In an organization, the culture makes a manager to understand the reactions of individuals as they try to relate to one another in the company (Pilhofer, 2011). The perspective of every individual on emotions defines their coexistence in the company; the human resource will be able to understand the factors that determine a motivated US worker from a motivated Barcelona worker. Understanding what makes an individual happy makes the management to provide the necessary attention to the staff members.
The dressing in Spain is cool and not complicated as compar…

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