Compare and contrast “In Response to Executive Order 9066.” Dwight Okita and “Mericans,” by Sandra Cisneros

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Compare and contrast “In Response to Executive Order 9066.” Dwight Okita and “Mericans,” by Sandra Cisneros

Category: Report Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 2

Words: 550

In response to the executive order, 9066 and Mericans are literature works that focus on American identity. In both the story and the poem, the little girls represented tend to reflect a form of restriction and an emotional appeal for identity.

The poem by Okita was written depicting the setup of World War II after Pearl Harbor. In this event, the USA had declared war against Japan. The poem begins with the statement issued by the Executive and Presidential order 9066. The quote denotes” All Americans of Japanese Descent Must Report to Relocation Centers.” The 14-year-old girl of a Japanese-American citizen responds to the relocation order or perhaps internment that will last the duration of the war. With little knowledge of her origin and history, the little girl is classified as a devotee of the Japanese. It is evident that her loyalty as a Japanese-American has been doubted. Her identity is now unclear as she moves to the unknown location.

In the short stories ‘Mericans’ by Cisneros, the story represents a setup of transition. The little girl is described as in a torn apart between two worlds, the ‘old’ Mexico and the new American world. This is demonstrated by the way the grandmother who she refers to as the ‘awful grandmother’ restricts her from entering the church. It symbolizes her interest in learning the Mexican cultures and practices. She is also denied entry to the plaza where the new and modern ways represented as balloons and comic books are av…

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