Communication writers choice

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Communication writers choice

Category: Movie Review

Subcategory: Communication

Level: Academic

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Teacher’s name
Speech review by Tony Robinson, ‘why we do what we do’.
Tony Robinson as the speaker of the speech entitled ‘why we do what we do’ provides an amazing vehicle for looking at your life, mapping out a mission, and determining what’s holding you back and what you need to move forward. Tony touched people’s souls and helped them see their life’s work more clearly and easy to achieve their goals. The context of the speech is about the human emotions and decisions that influence or drive you towards doing something that will define actions.
The speaker is touchy in his speech that he forces you to step out of the situation that you got yourself. He forces you to detach yourself from that. He inspires the audience by showing them how their emotions and decisions can transform the world and life into a better one. This speaker is a bit crazy in his work .he actually proves to people how long has done in life. How much confident he is that whatever he does and say works. This is evident in his curiosity and craziness that it is no doubt to have your mind and emotions transforming you into a new page of life.
The speaker also delivers his speech to the audience with an interactive style. He lets in the audience participate and open up their mind and share their opinions. This is well evident when he poses rhetorical questions. This keeps the audience keen and wanting to know and hear him talking. This builds up curiosity and eagern…

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