Communication techniques

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Communication techniques

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Communication

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Communication and Professional Techniques
<Name of Student>
Communication and Professional Techniques
By definition, persuasion’s ultimate goal is to convince a selected target to internalize an argument and adopt a renewed attitude as part of their system of core beliefs. One particular method to achieve this is by appealing to a need that has yet to exist or already exists. Such a technique is designed to appeal to an individual’s fundamental needs for love, self-actualization, shelter, and self-esteem (Cherry, 2017). It is a commonly practiced strategy in the marketing industry as a way of selling products and altering one’s general point of view. The vast majority of advertisements suggest the purchase of services or products that will help the customer feel happy, loved, admired, or safe. An additional persuasive method is one that appeals to one’s desire for popularity or social prestige. With the help of loaded imagery and words, one can persuade by getting the target to agree to a miniscule request and follow through with a far more significant request. By successfully having the individual agree to the initial small favor, this foot-in-the-door approach quickly increases the likelihood that they will comply with the steeper request (Cherry, 2017).
When delivering a presentation, it is critical to know the essential attributes of the audience including the average age, education level, language, gender, religion, and cultural values. An…

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