Classical music

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Classical music

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Music

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Classical Music
Franz Haydn’s Piano Trio No. 39 in G major, Hob. XV/25 (“Gypsy”) consists of three movements that exhibit shifting interactions between piano and strings CITATION Hay95 l 1033 (Haydn). The opening movement “Andante” a basic theme that composes of variations with frequent repetition. The timbre features a violin that doubles the piano at the beginning stating the theme. The set of variations are in a double form as they alternate in tonality between minor and major modes. In subsequent variations, the basic theme transforms slightly as it goes through metrical manipulation and minor-key injections to raise curiosity. The andante tempo persists all through the movement; however, the concluding variation consists of shorter notes that give an impression of a quicker pace. It has a relaxed and grace mood accompanied with the reserved harmonic resonance and wit of its main melody that offers the expressive splendor. However, the repetitiveness of the movement especially in the major key parts renders the composition a little bland overtime and unexciting to the listener.
The last movement “Rondo all’ Ongarese: Presto” is a dramatic shift from the preceding movements in the work as it incorporates Hungarian gypsy styles. The movement is an accentuated frantic Gypsy melody in rondo form with variations and quick modulation in tonal centers from major to minor. The first variations are in recurrent modulations to m…

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