Christian Worldview Essay

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Christian Worldview Essay

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Criminal Justice

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Christian Worldview Essay

Professionals in law enforcement are given a huge task of responsibility to uphold and represent the standards of a given police department. Putting on a badge representing the police department is an opportunity available for the few, but it’s not something that should make the police think they are above the law. The common views that people have of the police are in a small part because their ethics and morals are being compromised. Law enforcement is a profession that demands honor and total integrity. In the criminal justice system law enforcers struggle with ethical issues (Barnett, 1977). Each day they have issues to deal with and in the process of decision making during an ethical dilemma officer with a Christian worldview is supposed to make better decisions with the Holy Spirit guidance. If a police officer who is Christian prays to the Lord during a dilemma, he will be better than a police officer who feels alone and abandoned in their dilemma

Everyone has a worldview. Police officers own worldview will have an effect on the way he handles the ethical dilemmas which occur on the job. Worldview is dynamic, and one’s view into the department can rapidly change due to what he may be exposed to. People are capable of impressing others by putting on another person’s worldview, but ethics include one’s honor that is revealed in one’s action when no one is around. A person’s Christian wor…

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