ch 13 Ch 14 summary

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ch 13 Ch 14 summary

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Management

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Chapter 13 and 14 Summary
Power and politics are crucial elements of organizations and work environment. Important lessons applicable to my work environment include the importance of identification of the various sources of power by the manager to accomplish the required levels of influence and to inspire the followers to work towards the achievement of the organizational objectives. The lessons also explains the existence of politics in the work environment as various individuals seek various methods for attaining power such as through reward and punishment (Griffin and Moorhead 100). Consequently, there is a need to ensure fair distribution of resources in the organization to ensure that some individuals or groups do not feel left out. Such politics are always the sources of conflicts. The prevention of the conflicts should thus be based on the management and control of power to ensure conformity and dependability in the work environment. Social networks are vital in the organization as the builds the necessary unity of purpose and a sense of teamwork that is vital for the attainment of the organizational objectives.
An organization can adopt any type of structure such as functional, divisional, and matrix designs with each of the mentioned framework having certain advantages and disadvantages. The reading on the structure of the organization applies to my workplace by presenting a framework for performing specific ta…

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