Ch 13 Ch 14 questions

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Ch 13 Ch 14 questions

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Management

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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In managing an organization, power is a crucial element of effective management. Among the six types of power, I usually draw up to legitimate, expert and reward powers (Klein 17). I use coercive powers and referent powers the least. Organizational change refers to the movement of affairs in an organization from one level to another. One of the organizational changes I have encountered with is technological change. Rapid development in the technology sector forces organization to readjust to cope with the new technology. First, it was difficult for employees to adapt to the use of the new technology since it was unfamiliar and they were used to the old one. Much training had to be done to help employees to adapt easily.
Dealing with employees who resist change because they feel their habits are threatened can be quite a task, but all in all the business need to change. Therefore, one of the ways that I would deal with such employees is by developing a sense of urgency about the change. Employees will more likely accept change when they feel that the need is necessary. I would also provide support to employees so that they feel they have not been ignored regarding their needs. There are also employees who resist change because they are afraid of failure (Bach, Stephen & Martin 269). In that a case, I would create or show employees successful previous changes so that they do away with the fear of failing. Al…

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