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Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Biology

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Cancer as a disease involves the growth of abnormal cells which are potential to attack and spread all over the body. Forming a subset of neoplasms (a tumor), as a group of cells which is growing under unregulated diffusely causing harm.
General symptoms include general weight loss, extreme fatigue, fever and skin changes. Besides, nausea and vomiting as symptoms are an advanced stage of cancer infection. (Glare, Paul et al 5)
Causes of cancer are due to genetic mutations from environmental factors at 90 – 95% and the remaining 5 – 10% is due to inherited genetics. This one should keep off environment exposure like tobacco, alcohol, and meals that result in obesity unlike genetic which cannot be countered unless one leans a follow up to control upon infection.
Upon occurring then management of infections are done like chemotherapy involving treatment of cancer with one or more cytotoxic anti-neoplastic drug as a part of the standardized regimen. Use of radiation is also useful where it involves the use of ionizing radiation in curing where it damages the DNA of cancerous tissue, killing it. Surgery which is used where the mass of the tumor is totally removed considered the best. A palliative care is also of significance since it involves treatment that attempts to help the patient feel better and may be combined with an attempt at treating cancer. (Glare, Paul et al 5). Use …

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