Can we be harmed after our death?

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Can we be harmed after our death?

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Philosophy

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550

`It is accepted that death at times harm those who are left behind by the deceased who may include family members, close friends, and associates. However, what is not clear is the effect it has on the dead person. Can they also suffer harm? Though many believe that a dead person can’t be harmed, there seems to be a certain belief among many that the dead can be harmed after death. It is globally accepted that taking an individual’s life for no reason is such a grievous offense as life is quite precious. Those who commit murder are therefore treated to punitive punishments such as stoning, shooting, and hanging among others. Though we may tend to assume that those close to the dead such as parents grieve for themselves due to the relationship they had with the dead and how the death will affect their lives, they most of the times grieve on behalf of the dead. This essay explores why we can be harmed after our death.
I believe that we can be harmed after our death. Most people who believe that one can’t be harmed after our death, simply assume that death is a totally unique state. When analyzing the possible harm to the individual, I believe we should consider both the life he lived as well as the possible life he might have lived if the death had not occurred. There is need to consider the possible loss that might have befell the dead person once death occurs. For example, the dead might lose a particular mental function at the point of death. Other losses should be…

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