Brief History of Rangeland

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Brief History of Rangeland

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Environment

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

American Range Lands and Forests

Part 1
Rangeland Location Brief History of Rangeland What are current land management problems? What are the current federal land management strategies that address these problems? What is one sustainable effort that should be implemented?

American Rangeland Arizona Arizona historical records show that the southeastern part of Arizona is the oldest rangeland in the state of Arizona. It was already a grassland by 1800. However, today, little remains to prove that the region was once grassland. The rangeland is now predominantly covered by shrubby plants. Most of the changes occurred between 1800 and 1900 due to overgrazing of the grasslands and little time for regrowth of the rich plantation and vegetation that once covered the region. Other factors that contributed to the elimination of the rich vegetation include flooding, plowing he floodplains, and channelization that resulted from the flooding.

The Arizona state faces a myriad of complex problems regarding the management of the rangelands in all of its counties. The complexity of the problems is due to the changing times and conditions, making solutions that seem viable at a given time not viable in another period. Pressure from conservation groups,efforts to conserve some endangered species, water quality as well as modernization are just some other actors that have contributed to the complexity of the situation. The government and the local authorities do have some authority over th…

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