Blaise Pascal

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Blaise Pascal

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Mathematics

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Blaise Pascal
Student’s Name
Institution of Affiliation
All through my life, I have faced health conditions, but this did not prevent me from my destiny of becoming a symbol of change and innovation. I can say that my achievements as a mathematician, physicist, inventor and geological writer are proof and it all started with a young boy born with a never-ending curiosity. I was born on 19th June 1623 at Clermont-Ferrand, a small town in France. My mother, Antoinette Begon died when I was still a toddler leaving my two sisters under the care of my father, Etienne Pascal and me.
We moved to Paris in 1831, and it was here that Etienne decided to mentor his kids into becoming his prodigy. This was when I discovered my passion for mathematics and when my father got a job as a tax collector I invented the Pascaline, the first mechanical calculator ever made in history (Pascal, 2010). My father, Etienne was only concerned with teaching languages such as Greek and Latin. I chose a different and decided to experiment with geometrics and other mathematical principles at the age of 12 years. This resulted in the publication of my first written works titled Essay on Conic which was centered on projective geometry when I was 16.
Moreover, I embarked on theorems during my teenage years that had to do with my Mystic Hexagram where I discovered the opposite sides of the hexagon in a conic would intersect at collinear points. In the 1640s I became intrigued by the scientific works…

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