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Kazoo lab

Name: University: Course: Tutor: Date: Kazoo Lab A kazoo is an instrument used to play music by producing a buzzing sound which is activated by a hum. An individual hums into the Kazoo activating the membrane’s vibration. The concept of making music using the membrane was traced back many years ago. It is believed that the concept was first used in Africa (Westphal 8). It was not until 1883 that the development of the modern kazoo was made in the United States. In the school laboratories, kazoos are made to demonstrate that sound can not only be heard but also it can be seen, felt and manipulated to increase or reduce its frequency. HOW TO PREPARE A KAZOO For one to prepare a kazoo, it...

Whales evolution

Name Course Tutor Date Whales Evolution Among the sea mammals, whales are not only believed to have evolved from terrestrial creatures but also have noticeable attributes in their skeletal structure which links them to the early land creatures. In a discovery made from the fossil skull of an ancient terrestrial wolf, there was a significant similarity in the ear bone structure, which is present in the current day whales. That finding suggests that the whales share their origin with the terrestrial creatures and have retained their skeletal features from their ancestors. The adaptation to living in the sea is believed to be due to the principle of survival, following the reduction in land food...

DNA Replication

Student Professor Course Date DNA Replication Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the genetic material that stores information concerning the structure, development, function, and reproduction of a cell. DNA replication, on the other hand, is the genetic process that generates two identical DNA models from the initial module. Notably, the DNA must replicate itself completely to form newborns with identical genetic materials. As points out Alberts (431), the DNA consists of a double helix made up of two corresponding strands which separate during the reproduction process. The cell poses a vital property of division that makes the replication of DNA a success. The replication process involves the...

Application of medical terminology during clinical intake and clinical assessment and screening

Medical Terminology Name: Institutional affiliation Medical Terminology Medical terminology is a form of communication used by the medical practitioners to describe or refer to certain components of the human body. The terms are used to identify a component, the process that relates to the component, any conditions that might directly affect it and also any medical procedures that are carried on that specific component. The terms are used to bring an understanding among the medical and healthcare workers. The terms ensure that there is uniformity in the language being used to refer to any component or process to be carried on a patient (Collins, 2013). The terminology used, therefore,...

The Case of murdered midwife

The Case of The Murdered Midwife Student’s Name Institution Affiliation The Case of the Murdered Midwife Part I: The Investigation The interview would be directed to the medical examiner if the investigator was taking part in the role explained above. Furthermore, I would also interview Melee's primary doctor, the owner of the bakery shop, her mother as well as her boyfriend. Some of the questions the investigator would inquire are; did the deceased have any medical conditions or any condition that was in her family’s history? Were the samples of the cupcake she bit and of the food being prepared taken? Did the Maleea have any allergies? Were there any other chemicals present in the...


May 2018Table of Contents TOC o "1-3" h z u ABSTRACT PAGEREF _Toc530201334 h 5INTRODUCTION PAGEREF _Toc530201335 h 6Background Information PAGEREF _Toc530201336 h 6Problem Statement and Justification PAGEREF _Toc530201337 h 8Hypothesis PAGEREF _Toc530201338 h 8Objectives. PAGEREF _Toc530201339 h 9General Objective PAGEREF _Toc530201340 h 9Specific Objectives PAGEREF _Toc530201341 h 9Significance of the study PAGEREF _Toc530201342 h 11LITERATURE REVIEW PAGEREF _Toc530201343 h 12cancer epidemiology PAGEREF _Toc530201344 h 15comparative oncology PAGEREF _Toc530201345 h 15TP53 & functions PAGEREF _Toc530201346 h 15Cancer in elephants PAGEREF _Toc530201347 h 15METHODOLOGY PAGEREF _Toc530201348 h...

the Casewhat happened to my garden

What Happened to My Garden? Part I: Introduction Bill’s grandparents have had a garden for as long as he could remember. As they got older, he helped them with the heavy lifting, moving dirt, digging potatoes, etc. But they still did most of the work, and reaped the fruits and vegetables of their labors most years. But this year was different. His grandparents’ peppers, kale, potatoes, and other vegetables were not only not thriving, they were dying – all of them. It had been an exceptionally wet year; usually they had to water everyday, but there had been enough rain to limit watering. In addition, Bill had set them up with a catchment system to catch and collect rainwater off the roof...

Take home Quiz

Student’s Name;Tutor’s Name: Course Name: Date Submitted: Biology Quiz Functions of Cell Division Eukaryotic cell division helps in the reproduction of the entire unicellular organism. Its other function is the growth and repair of tissues in multicellular organisms (Buyel 7). The main function of prokaryotic cell division is the formation of gametes for sexual reproduction in multicellular organisms. Where are genes of the Eukaryotic cell located? Most genes of the Eukaryotic cell are located in the cell nucleus, but there are some of them that are located in the cell mitochondria. What must be duplicated before cell division occurs Before a cell divides, the entire DNA has to be...

Virus and Prions

Virus and Prions Name Institution Both virus and prions have genetic material; they involve through natural selection and reproduce other copies. These are all characteristics of all living organisms. However, viruses and prions are not alive because of the reasons discussed below. Viruses are deemed not to be alive because all living organisms are made up of cells while viruses are acellular. They enter the host organism’s cell and hijack cellular equipment of the host organism to copy the information of the viral genetic, make new capsids and assemble everything they need together. They also can’t keep themselves stable but depend on the host organism to be stable1. The third reason why...