Beliefs and Truth Revised.

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Beliefs and Truth Revised.

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Philosophy

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Beliefs and Truth
Foundationalism and Coherentism
Foundationalism and Coherentism theories explain how knowledge can be obtained. Foundationalism dictates that the origin of our experience is primarily based on the exact set of fundamental beliefs, these beliefs give the generation of all the knowledge known to humans. These set of fundamental beliefs are so entrenched that sometimes justifications are not required. Coherentism, on the other hand, argues that many of the known beliefs are primarily justified by the other believes and all these believes must conform with the others. Coherentism is the exact opposite of Foundationalism since it does not support the existence of fundamental beliefs.
Pragmatic Theories of Truth and the Correspondence Theories of Truth
The practical theory of truth professes that truth is correlative. It becomes relative to people, individuals or science. It acts like a function in determining whether an idea can be used to come to useful predictions on what will happen in future. Pragmatic truth is only discovered through interactions with the world. The correspondence theory, truth or false of a fact or an event is described by parts of the world which are defined by the statement. In most cases the belief is virtual, and one can verify reality accuracy. Although these theories are always opposite each other, they are still trying to find out the truth.
Implications of Gödel�…

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