Ballads the middle period

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Ballads the middle period

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Ballads the Middle Period
Lord Randall ballad is a Scottish folk about a character named Lord Randall. In the ballad, Lord Randall is presented as a young man coming home after a long, exhausting day of the hunt. From his mother’s persuasion, it is apparent that he is from ‘wildwood’ (firsts stanza) through her lover’s place. It is a love-go-wrong kind of scenario as I see Lord Randall in serious pain after taking dinner with his love. Lord Randall says to his mother, “For I’m weary wi’ hunting, and fain wald lie down” indicating that he is in deep pain both of heartbreak and poisoning. The love of his life betrays him to his utter disbelieve. In the last line of the song he says, “For I’m sick at heart, and I fain wald lie down” (17th line) suggesting that he is heartbroken as he awaits his mother to “make my [his] bed soon” (16th line) –which basically means he awaits death.
The mood of this song is suspenseful and depressing. Lord Randall, a nobleman, going by his name, cannot almost understand why the love of his life could poison him. In the initial stages of the song, his mother inquires “What becomes of your bloodhounds, my handsome young man?” (11th stanza) He replies, “O they swelled and they died: the mother makes my bed soon” (12th stanza). This indicates that his death which he contented with since it from an unexpected person altogether.
I feel sad for Lord Randall. I think he could not have d…

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