bad face

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bad face

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Communication

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

TO: Anthony Drums
From: Insert Your Name
Subject: Violetion of the Company's Social Media Policy.
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing in regards to the request you had made earlier for me to help you secure a job at my work place. Having passed this request along, I am writing to ask you to delete some of the contents you have posted on your social media account more specifically your Facebook account. Before any employee is brought abroad on the workforce, a thorough social media search is done by the human resource department and if the prospective candidate is found to be violating these policies then their chances of getting hired are negatively affected.
According to the social media policy as an employee, one should be aware that whatever they post have an effect on their personal image as well as the Company's image (Flynn, 250). On your Facebook page, most if not all the posts contradict our social media policy. First of all, change your profile picture to a more respectable image instead of the half naked model and the shirtless picture of yourself that you have on display. Secondly bad mouthing your previous boss on such a public platform when still looking for employment is not a good idea as everyone can see and judge what type of person and employee you are so have these remarks removed from the platform.
Sexual harassment will lead into lawsuits against the pe…

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