atomic bomb

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atomic bomb

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Nutrition and Diet

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Student’s NameInstructor’s Name
DateAtomic Bomb
The atomic bomb is a weapon that has a great explosive power that results from fission and splitting on nuclei of the heavy element, for instance, uranium and platinum. Uranium was the first atomic bomb to be used by America on the town in Japan named Hiroshima in 1945.This atomic bomb resulted in the instant death of over 70 000 people and devastated about 11.4square kilometersCITATION Kae17 p 67 l 1033 (Kaelberer 67). The next bomb to be applied in warfare was used on Nagasaki in 1945 that resulted in the fatality of about 39000 people alongside other destructed.
There exists no comprehensive ban on the use of the nuclear bomb in the international law. Therefore, a mystery exists on its use in warfare. On the brighter side, the International Court of Justice concludes the use of atomic bomb as a violation against the rules and principles stated in the International humanitarian lawCITATION Her14 p 43 l 1033 (Herken 43). Countries in possession of thousands of them but are obliged by the court to pursue negotiations advocating for the disarmament of the weapons.
Nuclear terrorism has been the threat that most nations battle with. An atomic bomb in the hands of a terrorist can be a great threat to many lives of human being. In as much as the process of production atomic bomb fuel remains within the restricted hands of the government. A terrorist is constantly in search of the resources, technology and technical …

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