Anorexia and Bulimia

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Anorexia and Bulimia

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Anorexia and Bulimia research paper outline
– (brief comment on the disorders and matters that lead into the main agendas to be discussed in the essay.)
-The thesis of the paper that states that media is the main contributor to disorders in the society.
A. A brief insight into the two disorders indicating their similarities and differences and the different states in which they manifest itself. Who are the most vulnerable? And explain reasons why.
B. State the modes of diagnosis of the disorders and how they can be treated.
C. Define how the media has been accused of the upholding the ideology of ‘ideal woman’ who is slender.
i. State the supporting point that media has ignored its ill effects and have denied responsibility
ii. State the supporting position using expert opinions.
iii. State how the pressure that has been perceived by the media has had a significant effect dissatisfaction and eating disorders.
iv. Using data from other studies that were made, present how the disorders have risen over the years, in proportionality to the content the media displays.
v. Support your statements using research from experts and other studies.
vi. Provide the conclusions that were deduced from the investigations and how they came to the findings.
D. State the possible solutions on how to curb the media in disseminating toxic messages to the public.
i. S…

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