Analyze the methods Homles used to investigate crime in A study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle

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Analyze the methods Homles used to investigate crime in A study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 550

Student’s nameInstructorCourseJuly 30, 2018
A Study by Scarlet:
A study in scarlet is the first book that talks about Holmes and his brilliant methods of crime investigation. Holmes is a man of few friends because of his coarse personality and the strange activities he does. He believes that many people are incapable of the ‘‘reason backward” ability that he has. Holmes can reason what he observes which makes him good in the investigation of crimes. In the field of investigation of crimes, Holmes does a good job as compared to the detectives because he can draw correct conclusions from the evidence observed without making assumptions (Dayle 13).
According to Holmes, he believes that many criminals would have been jailed if “infallible test for blood stains” was being used instead of the old tests (Dayle 26). He goes further to justify why the infallible test is better than the old method as he demonstrates how it works. Holmes uses deductive reasoning and extreme observation in investigating crimes. When Watson and Holmes arrive at Lauriston Gardens, Holmes is not in a hurry to enter the crime scene. He remains outside to observe keenly, and through his observation, he sees messy footprints and a body. In response to his observation, he can paint a picture of the man who committed the killing
Holmes also says that RACHE stands for revenge and not the name of a woman and he concludes that the man was poisoned. The body of the dead had no wounds or any marks of s…

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