American Dream

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American Dream

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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English 1600
The American Dream
The American dream has for a long time acted as a roadmap with the destination being experiencing a fulfilling life. Individuals aspiring to achieve the American dream envision a rewarding and prosperous life. People are aware of what needs to be done to acquire a fulfilling life which entails working hard and making use of the given opportunities in the American soil. In other words, the United States is viewed as a region that provides equal opportunity to all in which one is able to succeed in life through hard work regardless of one’s societal status, ethnic background, religion and so forth.
The quote from The Great Gatsby highly aligns with the American dream in terms of the hope for a better future and prosperity. The green light that Gatsby hoped for as highlighted in the quote may be viewed to represent the American dream that contains “the orgastic future.” Gatsby, in this case, represents any individual with the desire of achieving the American dream while the “orgastic future” represents a fulfilling life when one experiences the dream. To acquire or rather experience the American dream, one has to constantly work hard and hold on to the idea of leading a fulfilling life. Working hard aligns with the idea of running faster and stretching one’s arms farther as illustrated in The Great Gatsby. The American dream is also achievable for any individual regardless of the societal status. Th…

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