Algebra/Geomerty project

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Algebra/Geomerty project

Category: Problem solving

Subcategory: Mathematics

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Algebra and Geometry Project
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
The OSIS number given is 2ABCDEFGH which is a nine-digit combination. The digits used include the ABCDEFGH. The combination of the data is as shown below:
OSIS # 215325267, 2AB = 215, CDE= 325, FGH = 267
The initial position of the ship Tiger = (0, 325)
Position of ship lion = (267, 0)
Position 2 of the Tiger = (215257, 0)
Position 2 of the Lion = (0, 325215)
Eagle follows the Tiger’s route in one hour
The point of intersection of the path of the ships
The equation of Tiger path =gradient= 0-325215257-0=0.0015. The gradient is given by the ratio of change in y and the change in x coordinates (Beardon 2005).
y-325x-0=0.0015, y=0.0015x+325
The parametric equations for the two lines intersecting are given by the equation below
x+x2-x1.C= y2+y1-y2.C
y+y2-y.C= x2+x1-x.C
The equation of Lion path = 325215-00-267=1218, y-0x-267=1218, Equation 2 is given by y=1218x-325215Combine the two equation to come up with the intersection point
By use of elimination method, the value of x and y coordinates are given as (267, 325)
The time in which the distance between the Lion and the Tiger will be shortest
time= distance speedthe distance between the two ships= 3252+2672=420.6 units
time= 420.6325×2=39 minutes
The shortest message between the Lion and the Tiger
The parametric equation for the …

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