Business Informative Essay

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Business Informative Essay

Category: Informative Essay

Subcategory: Business

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

102 Greenview Street
Greenview, CA 00312
July 25, 2018
The Human Resource Manager
Silicon Valley Technologies Limited
Lowland, BA 23673
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to you in application for the position of the Associate Human Resource Manager at the Silicon Valley Technologies Limited. I learned of this vacancy from an internet post on the company website. I graduated six months ago with a Diploma in Business Studies, a program that equipped me with all the required knowledge regarding the management of human resources in any business organization. Having read all the job requirements for this position, I believe that I am the ideal candidate for the job.
Along with this letter comes my detailed resume, a document from which you will find interesting and relevant professional and academic qualifications. Before my graduation, I served a one-year term at Honeywell Investments as a management trainee, posted in the human resource management section. I also worked as a customer relations manager at Kingsmill Bakeries, a position that enabled me to develop my interpersonal interaction skills.
By applying for this position, I accept to handle all the responsibilities that it comes with. Moreover, my ability to actively participate in group discussions and debate forums will be instrumental in helping me to obtain information from the staff. I will be comfortable to work with any span of control provided it helps to achieve the organization’s objectives.
Over the yea…

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