2-Minute Speech on Burberry

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2-Minute Speech on Burberry

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Business

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Good afternoon class. I am going to present to you my opinion regarding Burberry fashion company that has been accused of destroying own products worth a lot of money. My presentation is based on a detailed study of Burberry Company as reported in Guardian reports. Burberry burned cosmetic products and fashion worth $36 million due to capitalism that is perceived as nonsensical lop to wastefulness. We should care about the actions of a company as they reflect their image to the society. Companies need to show responsibility to the society, thus destroying of clothes implies that Burberry doesn’t take the interests of society. However, Burberry has made efforts in explaining that those fashion and cosmetic products were subject to destruction as they had been acquired by a multinational company dealing with beauty products (Cocksedge, n.pag). From my readings, I discovered that shareholders in Blueberry had not been given the opportunity for the purchase of unsold stock.
I believe that class needs to understand the important contribution of companies in a society rather than being profit oriented. As a class, we need to understand why the clothes were not recycled or perhaps donated to charity organizations. Instead, the company sent up ozone-depleting pollution based on capitalism. Through Burberry burning the products, it has caused air pollution which further destroys the environment. Also as a class, we need…

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