10.04 renewable energy project

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10.04 renewable energy project

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Geology

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Student Name
Renewable Energy Project
Considering the vulnerability of air and water pollution as a result of the use of various sources of power in our locality and mind you the high costs of energy, my best option amongst water power, wind power to mention but a few stands out to be solar power. Solar power is purely a renewable source of energy on top of its diverse applications as well as the lowest cost for maintenance. Solar power, in any case, should be exploited fully as that would be a great achievement to our town regarding achieving milestones in technological development (Aanesen, Krister, Stefan, and Dickon p 23). It should be stressed that one of the big agendas in the town is an achievement of technological advancement in sectors related to power.
In as much as we dwell on the advantages of solar energy, we should at the same time pay attention to the demerits of solar power for comparison. Solar power is solely depending on weather changes and as a result not reliable in some ways. Regarding the fact that solar power is heavily reliant on weather, users should put in place mechanism to salvage the situation for instance sourcing other means of power when the sun goes down or when it gets shaded heavily by clouds and fog (Play, Ugo, et al. p 85). Storage of solar power in those solar tapping panels or any other appliance during the day and on sunny days should also be considered.

Photovoltaic Cells for Conversion of Sun…

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