Written Components of a Research Designs and Research Conclusions

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Written Components of a Research Designs and Research Conclusions

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Psychology

Level: College

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

Written Components of a Research Design and Research Conclusions

Written Components of a Research Design and Research Conclusions
Research is the process undertaken when an individual or an organized group of people engage in a study aimed at collecting data from various relevant research fields as per the study. A research can be conducted on either subject matter that presently has not been considered on or on areas in which little or no much research work has been done so as to further the available knowledge.
Hypothesis /Research Question
Thesis or research questions are typically defined before going for field work to conduct the actual study. The significance of research issues in research can’t be underestimated as they guide on the type of data to collect and form the basis from which the objects of the research will be formulated. For instance, a sample research question would be; what resources are helpful to new and a minority drug abuse researchers? The hypothesis could either be null or alternative.
According to the study conducted in Haiti, the hypotheses were as follows:
1. There will be a positive relationship between anxiety and avoidance attachment and acculturative stress.
2. There will be an adverse relationship between anxiety and avoidance attachment and Quality of Life.
3. There will be a negative relationship between adaptive coping and acculturative stress and a positive relationship between adaptive coping …

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