Write a research and position paper discussing the significance of Genetically Modified Organisms

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Write a research and position paper discussing the significance of Genetically Modified Organisms

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Bioengineering

Level: College

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Research and Position Paper on Genetically Modified Organisms
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Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are those organisms whose genetic material and content have been altered through the techniques of genetic engineering. These organisms are also called transgenic organism since the original gene of these organisms are modified. These organisms are used in food production and form the basis of various scientific researches. GMOs are categorized into a broad species of cellular organisms which includes microbes, plants, and animals which are meant for specific uses. Genetically Modified Crops are resistant to herbicides and pesticides, thus leading to an increase in agricultural yield. Genetically modified viruses are used as vectors for inserting a gene of therapeutic interest within the body of a human being. Examples of such viruses include adenovirus, through which apoptotic genes are inserted for the treatment of cancer (Nayar, 2009).
Genetically Modified Animals or Transgenic animals are used in clinical and biomedical research. Global warming is another issue which can be addressed by GMOs. The green house gases like carbon dioxide traps the UV rays from reflecting back into the atmosphere and causes warming of the…

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