Why People Join Social Network Sites Revised 4

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Why People Join Social Network Sites Revised 4

Category: Book Review

Subcategory: Communication

Level: PhD

Pages: 12

Words: 3300

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Date of SubmissionWhy People Join Social Network Sites
Nowadays, the most popular social media platform is the social networking site. Individuals as well as organizations are using social network sites for various purposes. For instance, companies and startups are utilizing these sites to make profit. In addition to this, newspapers and TV channels are shifting to online forms. Researchers have conducted studies on the motivation behind the use of social networking sites around the world. This is through interviewing the users of these sites.
The main objective of this study was to do a systematic review of papers explaining what motivates people to use social networking sites. In addition to this, it reviews those that describe how the users determined these motivations by themselves.
To examine the reasons why people use social media, we followed the systematic guidelines found in Cochrane Handbook that explains how to conduct a systematic review.
Search Strategy
We searched papers in ENISA database and Springer online library. In the ENISA database, we searched using the following words, ‘Facebook’, ‘WhatsApp’, ‘Instagram’ and ‘Twitter’. In the springer online library platform, we typed ‘social network site’, ‘reasons for using social network sites’, and’ social media’.
Identification of Studies
All the studies that we used entailed quantita…

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