what is the origin or history of morphine

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what is the origin or history of morphine

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Biochemistry

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550

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History of Morphine and How to Deal with Opioid Epidemic
Morphine is an alkaloid obtained from opium, a poppy plant derivative. It treats chronic pain by blocking pain sensations, pacifying the nervous system, reducing heart rate, moderating respiration and reducing blood pressure. These effects allow the patient to feel pleasure and calm which is usually followed by falling asleep. Morphine is an opioid which has been used over the years to alleviate pain among patients. It was widely used in the 18th and 19th century as an analgesic. However, patients are usually at the risk of addiction and abuse. The drug is easy to access, and people like it because of its ability to induce euphoria. This study aims at describing the history of morphine and identifying possible solutions to the opioid epidemic.
History of Morphine. The discovery of morphine was inspired by pain struggles among patients. Before the discovery of morphine, chronic pain was treated with opium. However, it was not fully effective, which led to further opioid research and synthesis. After several experiments, Friedrich Serturner discovered a new compound which had effects of pain relief and euphoria and named it morphine (Mandal n.pag). However, Friedrich noted side effects like nausea, slowed breathing, vomiting, and constipation, blurred vision. This drug was rejected by the medical community initially but accepted later because of its practicality. …

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