What invention would the world be better off without? Why?

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What invention would the world be better off without? Why?

Category: Article

Subcategory: Trigonometry

Level: High School

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Why the World Would Be a Better Place without the Invention of Nuclear Power and Arms
Every invention made around the world is to help make life easier in a certain way. Many inventions have a lot of positive impacts on the lives of everyday citizens around the world. One invention that the world would be way better without is the nuclear power. It only ‘favors’ the powerful governments who can afford them and use them to display their might. Nuclear power is an invention that the world would have been way better without. The paper herein presents arguments supporting the reasons why the world would be a better place to live in if nuclear weaponry did not exist in the history and the future of the world.
Since 1945, after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki using the atomic bomb named “little boy,” there has been many influential voices of alarm against the spread of nuclear weapons (Gardner par.2). Now that the nuclear weapons are available and life goes on around them, one can state for sure that the world would be a better place to live in without them. However, the extent of damage that they have been seen to cause would have probably been avoided had the nuclear weapons not been invented. Take the example of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; a 3 meter long and 75 centimeters large bomb destroyed property worth millions of dollars spanning miles away from the point of its detonation (Gardner par.7). The little boy also took with it, hundreds of thousands of lives in just …

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