What generalizations can be made about the social and cultural climate of the Renaissance?

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What generalizations can be made about the social and cultural climate of the Renaissance?

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Classic English Literature
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The Renaissance and its Generalizations
The Renaissance involved European history period between the 14th century and the 17th century that created “rebirth” of the European artistic, economic, cultural, political and artistic environment (Burke 35). With its promotion of the classical philosophy rediscovery, social and cultural climate generalizations can be made about the Renaissance. Even though some skeptical historians argue that the period lacks empirical data to measure its cultural and social degrees, generalizations can still be made following its effects during that period in Europe.
Promotion of social interaction is one of the generalizations that can be made. With the Renaissance promoting polyphonic music, the polyphonic style introduced during that era involved combinations of various voices in shaping the music (Burke 36). It also orchestrated inventions of violin and harpsichord family who came together to play musical instruments. Furthermore, literature introduced during the Renaissance expounded humanist ideals, which allowed for circulation of different languages, especially of the Bible apart from the Latin. With such advancements, it can be generalized that the effects played a vital role in enhancing social interaction.
Another generalization is the promotion of the culture of humanism. The era introduced cultural movement that primarily aimed at turning away …

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