What does it all mean?What is the value in studying the popular arts? Was there something that piqued your interest? Are you totally confused about pop vs. high culture? Do you have excellent examples

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What does it all mean?What is the value in studying the popular arts? Was there something that piqued your interest? Are you totally confused about pop vs. high culture? Do you have excellent examples

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Social Science

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Pop Culture
Popular culture is defined as the mannerisms, amusement, consumption patterns, taste and preferences and beliefs of the majority of the society (Forbes et al. 98). In general, it is a culture that is entertaining and easy to understand especially to the younger generation, for example, Hip-Hop and pop music. Through the study of popular arts, the underlying assumptions, moral and philosophical constructs of the community in which those cultural products are produced is revealed (Danesi 57). This enables us to understand the reason why some things are done in such a way and not the other. Clifford Geertz, a renowned anthropologist, points out that what one experiences on a daily basis of their life reveals much more about their culture than the traditional characteristics of culture (Storey & John21).
Many moral and philosophical questions are difficult to understand, but through understanding pop culture one gets leeway to explore these questions as well as learn more on how the society in general functions, hence making it easy for one to come up with assumptions where needed (Burgess 124). Almost everyone spends a considerable amount of hours watching TV daily with average American spending about four hours per day on TV (Berger & Isa 47). This has become part of our routine, and it is almost impossible to imagine a world without television making it one of the popular cultures in the society. The Simpsons is a popula…

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