What are the religious teachings of Buddhism and Hinduism and how does it differ from our beliefs as Christians.?

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What are the religious teachings of Buddhism and Hinduism and how does it differ from our beliefs as Christians.?

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Shakespeare

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 550

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Hinduism and Buddhism Religion Teachings and Believes Differences from Christianity
Buddhism teachings
Buddha implies the awakened one. Budha was an exceptional man who discovered ways that one can walk provided one become inclined. Buddhism stands for the avoidance of any evil, cultivating good and the need for heart purification. Buddhism highly values virtues such as kindness, giving, patience, and kindness. Buddhism in a substantial way stresses on self-reliance and advocates for self-testing or questioning towards a particular thing. It is the Buddha himself who asked his followers to question and test before believing. Buddhism believes and teaches the following doctrines which include; chain of causation, three signs of being, and four noble truths of suffering, the noble eightfold path, and three fires. Buddhism teaches to bring the same awakening Buddha achieved to its followers through the transformation of passions and heart and letting go of selfishness (Smith 210).
Hinduism teachings
Hinduism offers several lessons to its believers. First, Hinduism teaches about the presence of God. Hinduism believes that there is God present in all beings. Therefore, the religious teachings according to this belief are that it is not right to hurt another person because there is God in him. Another lesson of Hinduism is equality. Hinduism believes that soul is eternal and immortal. The justice of human in Hinduism religion is bro…

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