what are the reaches of the ethical dilemma posed by using shareholder stock for personal expenses?

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what are the reaches of the ethical dilemma posed by using shareholder stock for personal expenses?

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Philosophy

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Management and Business Ethics
Institutional affiliation
Ethics and business are two things that go hand in hand; ethics is essential in business and in how it is supposed to work. Philosophically ethics drive firms to work well in its progress and how it makes its dealings. It ensures that the business does not find itself on the negative side of the law and makes sure that the company does not harm other companies or other factors in its environment both internal and external.
In our case here it is about business ethics and employee or management. To what extent do they ethically have the power and ability to use the stockholders’ shares to complete their personal needs and wants. Having in mind that these managers have the power to alter the books of accounts in their favor. This would be unethically agreed; it would not be good since they have been involved in fraud.
There are certain cases where they can use the stockholders’ shares or the assets of the company to accomplish their personal need. It is done with conditions that they have to take it as a loan, and they must repay it back after the agreed period. That’s where the dilemma falls, should they take it and sure it for their reasons? Is it allowed? But as seen it can be possible but with restrictions or with conditions. It will be in order and against ethically agreed views if they take it without the consent of others in authority. At least for once, they should report it. (Martin, Vo…

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