Website Writing

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Website Writing

Category: Creative writing

Subcategory: Formal Science

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Website Creation for Seeing Ghost Through Ancient Mirror
The website, Seeing Ghost Through Ancient Mirror, develops an understanding of pseudoscience and ways of knowing ancient traditions by providing current research and ideologies on the subject matter. The homepage will feature detailed information on where the idea for the website started. Various Tabs will be included to help the view navigate specific topics of pseudoscience in a clear, concise format. The design of the site is to take viewers on a journey of discovery in understanding the methodology of studying ghosts.
The first tab, Tab A, will enable readers to understand where the concept for the website began, how previous inquiries lead to the creation of Ghost Through Ancient Mirror, and who works in this field. The publishers want to provide individuals with the tools to understand the fascination and complexity with Greek mythology and attempting to contact the dead by psychomanteum mirror gazing. Parapsychologists work in this field to help recognize areas of telepathy, Popper test, and near-death experiences. On the other hand, creationists and astrologers assist in developing a connection between “seeing ghost through ancient mirror” and public perception.
The second tab, Tab B, will explain how the authors conduct experiments to test the validity of previous works by Parapsychologists, why the testing techniques are reliable, and the tools used. Data and evidenc…

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