TotalitarianismAdolf Hitler of Germany and Joseph stalin of the Soviet union

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TotalitarianismAdolf Hitler of Germany and Joseph stalin of the Soviet union

Category: Term paper

Subcategory: History

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Totalitarianism: Adolf Hitler of Germany and Joseph Stalin of Soviet Union.
Totalitarian regimes have one similar characteristic of being non-democratic. The dictators establish a one well defined legal limit that is only understood by the rulers. Non-democratic states are governed by a totalistic ideology, and involve a single mass party.
Adolf Hitler of Germany
Totalitarianism was expressed by Adolf Hitler’s ability to gain total control of the Germany people. Hitler’s dictatorship was successful because of his ability to control and manipulate the laws which kept him, and the Nazis within the legal boundaries. Hitler managed to have one party control the country. He put in place Nazis officials to rule over all the states and also had the Nazis as lawyers and judges so as to control the judicial system. The Nazis policies were enforced in the provinces and cities, and this gave him a total control since there was no resistance. He also dissolved trade unions that posed a threat to his regime because they were a basis for communism. Hitler also had control over the churches and media. He was able to gain total control by use of terror. For instance, to avoid people from rebelling against the Nazis, he would have a Gestapo drag one out of the house at night and this would spread fear among the people (Lee 178).
Joseph Stalin of Soviet Union
Russia experienced two regimes of dictatorship between 1917 and 1953 (Lee 49). The first regi…

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