Topic: Should parents be able to choose specific genetic traits/sex of their future children?

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Topic: Should parents be able to choose specific genetic traits/sex of their future children?

Category: Annotated Bibliography

Subcategory: Ethics

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Designer Babies: Annotated Bibliography
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Cohen, I. G. (2016). GMO Sapiens: The Life-Changing Science of Designer Babies. American Journal of Bioethics, 16(9), W1–W3. article explores the cutting edge technologies of gene modification used for food production and human gene therapy. It focuses on the bioethical issues of control of genetic factors in both plants and animals. The process of development of designer babies is associated with a lot of wrong actions including handling of embryos and criticizing those that are deemed imperfect. The article is, therefore, critical for the study because of its insight on the ethical issues associated with the technologies used for the development of designer babies.
Das, J., Dey, P., & Banerjee, P. (2017). Redesigning nature: to be or not to be? Current Science (00113891), 112(7), 1346–1350. is an article that explores some of the benefits associated with the concept of designing babies. It is a technology that is proving beneficial for the fighting of different genetic diseases such as cancer and is also demonstrating a promise when it comes to HIV. It is a concept that is considered a revolution in genomics and possesses excellent possibilities of change in humanity.
Baird, S. L. (2007). Designer Babies: Eugenics Repackaged or Consumer Options? (Cover story). Technology Teacher, 66(7…

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