To Build A Fire

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To Build A Fire

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Film and Theater

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

To Build A fire
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To Build a Fire
“To Build a Fire” is a story written by Jack London. The film narrates the story of a young man traveling on the border of Yunko on a chilly morning to meet his friends. As it gets colder, the man builds himself a fire to warm himself. Throughout his journey, the man is constantly trying to build a fire as he strolls on the cold and his dog, the man feels that the ice is too cold and not warming himself will freeze him to death. If the film would be distilled into three images, the three images include the man, dog and ice (London, 2008). The man represents food and warmth for the dog; the dog acts as the man’s companion while ice represents the setting of the film. The film is set in London where the environment is very chilly.
The man manages to start a fire, but as he pulls twigs to feed the fire, ice falls from the branches and puts out the fire. As he begins to restart the fire, his hands are too cold. The man decides to kill the dog to warm himself, but he cannot do that and decides to chase it (London, 2008). He collapses and imagines other miners finding his body. The man dies, and the dog waits for the man to get up. The dog then walks away towards the camp to find food and warmth.
The essential elements in a story include the character, setting, plot, conflict, and resolution. It is possible to tell an entire story through a single image. The image should, however, be created in …

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