three cultures of particular interest to you personally and search the Internet for information regarding these cultures and their communication traditions. How might this new information be applied t

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three cultures of particular interest to you personally and search the Internet for information regarding these cultures and their communication traditions. How might this new information be applied t

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Journalism

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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The world is diverse, and this is based on the differences in cultural identity. Culture represents aspects such as customs ideas and social behavior that are specific to a group of people. They also represent the nature of the interactions of people with themselves and their environment. Culture influences health by incorporating elements of perception about western medicine. Every culture has its long history of health, and modern health care is based on western civilization. The perception of health by a particular culture is thus based on how it has accepted, adopted and used western medicine. Aspects of culture that influence health include, spirituality, religion and tradition (Paediatric Society, 2018).
An excellent example of culture in the world is the Islamic culture. This is a cultural group that is mostly represented by the Islamic religion. Its communication is unique because religion plays a critical part. It includes influences from scriptures of the Quran founded by religious aspects of sanctity, cleanliness of mind and heart, prestige, honor, and faithfulness. Regarding healthcare, Muslims have high regard for the sanctity of life which is represented by their high need to maintain good mental and physical health. However, several aspects influence how they get health care, and they include aspects such as gender. Men prefer being treated by men while women by women. This is one among many examples of th…

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