Theories of leadership

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Theories of leadership

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Business

Level: College

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Leadership Theories
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Leadership Theories
All organizations require structured and defined leadership system. Without leadership, nothing significant can happen in a group. Different people in leadership positions exhibit and demonstrate distinct styles. The styles sometimes depend on training, organizational culture, or personality. Due to the observed differences, various scholars gained interest in research and expressed their thoughts about leadership criteria through theories. The Contingency theory is one of the most crucial and influential explanations of leadership. The Contingency theory is in three major parts developed by different people. Among the pieces include the Fielder’s Model, Path-Goal Model (of Robert House, and Situational Approach (of Hersey and Blanchard).
According to Fred Fielder’s Contingency Model, a perfect leadership style that fits all situations does not exist. Instead, the effectiveness of a leader depends on the situation (Lussier & Achua, 2015). Approaches and favorableness of conditions merge to produce effective leadership. Fielder gave situational favorableness another name, which is situational control. Fielder believed that leadership style of an individual is constant and measurable on a scale called “Least-Preferred Co-Worker (LPC).” The criterion asks a person to think about someone he/she enjoyed collaborating within a work environment that can be in training, education, or job. The…

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