Theoretical Framework: Perioperative Leadership

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Theoretical Framework: Perioperative Leadership

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Leadership

Level: High School

Pages: 10

Words: 2750

Theoretical Framework: Perioperative Leadership
Theoretical Framework: Perioperative Leadership
IntroductionThere is much information in relation to the concept of leadership, as well as theories and concepts, which define a good leader. Leadership refers to the processes and procedures of influencing the actions of a person of a group with the objective of accomplishing goals and targets in relation to a given context or situation. Leadership is all about the tendency to set the pace, as well as the direction towards the achievement of the desired status under the influence of innovative practice. From this perspective, leadership tends to involve affecting the performance, as well as actions to achieve specific goals while management concentrates on offering direction and control to make submissive towards the realization of one’s purpose. Leadership should consider incorporating motivation and inspiration, thus the potentiality of keeping the subjects moving in the desired direction while eliminating probable obstacles towards the achievement of the vision. The purpose of this research paper is to evaluate the theoretical framework of perioperative leadership through evaluation of concepts such as fidelity, collaboration, autonomy, and competence in relation to perioperative administration. In addition, the research will consider outlining aspects such as communication, professionalism, power and influence, and lifelong learner and certification.T…

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