Their choice

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Their choice

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Health

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Integration of Online and Offline Marketing Strategies in Businesses.
The use of both online and offline methods to market businesses is currently on the rise. This essay discusses challenges businesses face when they integrate offline and online marketing strategies and possible solutions to the challenges. It further states the impact of digital media on e-business marketing efforts and gives ideas for integrating offline and online marketing strategies. Finally, it explains why the listed policies would be sufficient.
Businesses that have integrated online and offline marketing strategies face challenges such as: giving different customer experiences in their online and offline platforms since most marketers are good at one of them. Integration is expensive and time-consuming since the marketing department does double work. These challenges can be solved by; educating the staff on how market both offline and online hence ensure that the information on both platforms is similar. In conclusion, ensure that you have budgeted for integrated marketing.
There is the use of digital media has influenced e-business marketing in the following ways. An affordable marketing method reaches a large number of people (Faisal). Besides, they are various ways to market, and therefore one uses what is appropriate to him or her.
Businesses can carry out the integration of offline and online marketing strategies through the following ways; Teaser mark…

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