The Work of the Holy Spirit

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The Work of the Holy Spirit

Category: Research Proposal

Subcategory: Religion

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

The Work of the Holy Spirit
Student Name
June 12, 2018
The Work of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Ghost or Spirit is one of the three forms of God as inscribed in the Holy Trinity; The Father (God), the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit. The latter represents God’s power in action. God first sent the Holy Spirit in creation, then through Jesus Christ and presently in believers. The divine intercessor has different functions in the lives of disciples. He is a comforter, a helper, and a counselor who helps Christians overcome challenging situations through healing and experiencing the love of Christ. This manifestation of God is significant in guiding supporters on repentance from sin while dedicating their lives to God and His will.
The Holy Spirit is sovereign indicating that He existed before creation and before Jesus Christ lived on earth. The Holy Ghost is omnipotent and empowers followers to spread the gospel and change skeptics towards salvation. The notable power of this divinity was seen through the resurrection of Jesus. Modern Christians trust that the divine Spirit has the power to reveal the future through spiritual accounts of insights and expectations. This divine being is considered the power within believers that pushes them to observe the teachings of Jesus Christ. The work of the spiritual intercessor is manifested through empowering Christians to achieve the will of God.
With this background understanding of the role of the H…

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