The Goddess Tyche

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The Goddess Tyche

Category: Creative writing

Subcategory: Poetry

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Tyche was a Greek goddess of fortune, chance, and fate. She was a representation of both the positive and negative traits. For years, the Greeks associated her with the unpredicted happenings in their lives, both evil and good. For instance, if a fated to be successful in life and luck followed them wherever they go, the ancients Greeks attributed it to Tyche. Contrary to the same, if someone worked so hard and was fated never to succeed in their endeavors, the ancient Greeks considered the unfortunate incidences as a curse from the goddess Tyche (Chew 5).
One of the most famous Greek poets, Hesiod, referred to Tyche as a daughter of Tethys and Oceanus. However, other poets thought that she was a daughter to the supreme god, Zeus. Folks from the different Greek religions acknowledged and bowed for her but she so popular in Athens. The Athenians had a notion that the goddess liked their city more. Other sites of worship included Thebes and Argos (Chew 10). The poetic devices that are observed in the story of Tyche are Metaphors, hyperbole, and Irony.
A metaphor is seen when the Greeks used to depict the goddess Tyche in different forms to represent her different traits. When she is seen holding a ball, it symbolized the unpredictable future as a ball could roll in any direction.
The goddess Tyche used to symbolize good and bad. Therefore, she could take on different forms that were some…

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