The Four Principal Types of Tissues

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The Four Principal Types of Tissues

Category: Essay

Subcategory: War

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

The Four Principal Types of Tissues
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The Four Principal Types of Tissues
The study of the four principal types of issue forms the basis for understanding any biological topic or medicinal concept. Tissues are the primary building blocks in the body where organs arise from them. The body is made up of different organs, and the understanding of their functioning and behavior is dependent on the study of the major types of tissues. Organs develop and evolve, and the knowledge of the four principal types of cells will be crucial in determining the pattern of growth to detect whether any abnormalities need to be addressed.
Majority of the diseases in the human body manifest themselves at the tissue level. This means that understanding the four major types of tissues is vital in learning the precise cause of a given infection or disease. A cell may develop a problem in the form of overgrowth or infection which may lead to its malfunction. In such a case, the body will no longer to perform the intended function because some of the essential cells in the body are no longer functional. A typical example is where the epithelial and connective tissues are used to protect the internal organs from any form of harm or damage which may emanate from bacteria and viruses (YouTube, 2012).
Any scholar who desires to specialize in biology and medicine must have an understanding of the basic operation of the major types of tissues. Additionally,…

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