The Aging Process

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The Aging Process

Category: Critical Essay

Subcategory: Human Services

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

The Aging Process
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The Aging Process
The aging process is a multifaceted stage that is determined or influenced by various factors. In the case of Francine, her environment plays a significant role in influencing her aging process. It is observed that Francine has worked as a librarian for forty years and she retired at the age of 65 (Plummer, Makris, & Brocksen, 2014). During this period, her life was confiscated within the library and the institutional environment. Besides, Francine has lived a lonely life since the death of the husband, 30 years ago. This has caused psychological depression, isolation, and loneliness. These sociopsychology factors have influenced the aging process of Francine significantly causing accelerated senescence.
As a social worker dealing with the case of Francine, it would be essential to encourage social engagement by directing Francine to keep a connection with people of positive influence such as joining community groups and other social congregation whether in church or recreational and adventures groups. This can help minimize cases of isolation, loneliness, and depression that she is experiencing. I would also recommend Francine to engage in physical recreational and rewarding activities that can help cheer her up and build her physio-psychological growth, which is essential among older adults.
The appropriate strategy that one can apply is a strength-based perspective strategy, which …

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